Nearly 75K insured individuals were affected in a data breach hit at CNA, threat actors used Phoenix CryptoLocker ransomware as Payloads, while the firm managed to restore......
Morgan Stanley discloses a data breach in the Accellion servers. User account data compromised. The threat actor remains undisclosed...
Kaspersky Password Manager was found unguarded against Brute force attacks, while the algorithm wasn't efficient against dedicated decryption tools... ...
Coursera platform detected with new API vulnerabilities. The prominent issue was a BOLA (Broken Object Level Authorization) security flaw. Potential risk of exposing user information is at stake... ...
SideCopy - a persistent threat group, is targeting the Indian Military. Custom remote access trojans deployed. Origins of the group reported in Pakistan......
Family Health Center in Mississippi hacked. Personal information of patients accessed—no signs of misuse of data...
Wiregrass electric - a rural Alabama cooperative hit by ransomware. Customers are unable to access their accounts. No data compromised... ...
NuGet - Major Microsoft supported framework, targeting .NET platforms. Many data packages and libraries were found endangered...
Kaseya victims face Cobalt Strikes spam emails, and malicious security patch deploys malware. Personal information of victims accessed... ...
Western Digital customers will have to face another Zero-Day. My cloud OS v3 is older, and all remote data on it will be erased. No further security updates for the older versions... ...
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