Operation Lyrebird successful after Group-IB extends support. Hackers active across the globe apprehended. The investigation is still ongoing... ...
WSSC Water hit by ransomware. Attackers got access to internal files, but the systems were retrieved. The plant is fully restored again... ...
GETTR was compromised on the launch date, the attacker managed to manipulate some usernames of verified profiles. No serious damage reports was found......
Trickbot network expands its domain by introducing another ransomware, "Diavol," which uses Asynchronous procedure calls as its Payload method...
Kaseya, however, shut down the operations of its SaaS servers as the first point of countermeasure against this attack, followed by informing...
LinkedIn breach again made it to headlines; the leak reportedly exposes the data of 700M users, more than 92% of the total 756M users......
Attackers use particular darknet marketplaces to buy access to compromised merchant accounts
Hackers have been around for a long time; the bank said it found no evidence of compromise after the early stages of the attack, as did the thousands of organizations......
NewsBlur's database was compromised during a transition to docker, which bypassed the inbuilt firewall resulting into…
Babuk Locker ransomware builder leaked online offering the opportunity to threat actors to create their own ransomware strain...
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