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WhiskerSpy: New Backdoor Spread via Watering Hole Attack by Earth Kitsune

WhiskerSpy: A new backdoor malware disguised as browser extensions propagating via Watering Hole attack targeting users in Russia, Belarus, & Ukraine

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Discover the sophisticated Latrodectus malware, the advanced successor to IcedID...

In November 2023, security researchers uncovered the Latrodectus malware, which swiftly evolved into a significant threat by February 2024. This malware, distributed by initial access brokers (IABs), is a sophisticated loader primarily utilized for deploying additional payloads, including [QakBot](, DarkGate, and PikaBot. The following [Threat Research]( meticulously dissects its components, operational techniques, and the broader implications. ### Infection Chain and Deployment Latrodectus typically initiates infection through email phishing campaigns, a method that surged in March 2024. The campaigns involve oversized JavaScript files leveraging Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) to invoke `msiexec.exe` and install a remotely-hosted MSI file from a WEBDAV share. This technique underscores a significant evolution from traditional phishing methods, indicating a strategic pivot towards leveraging legitimate administrative tools to obscure malicious activities. ### Malware Capabilities and Techniques Latrodectus exhibits several capabilities characteristic of advanced malware loaders: 1. **Enumeration and Execution**: It prioritizes gathering comprehensive system information and executing various payloads. The focus on enumeration suggests a strategic approach to identifying high-value targets within infected networks. 2. **Obfuscation and Anti-Analysis**: The malware employs advanced obfuscation techniques and anti-analysis checks to evade detection and analysis in sandboxed environments. This includes source code obfuscation and dynamic API resolution by hash, complicating static analysis efforts. 3. **Persistence Mechanisms**: Persistence is achieved through scheduled tasks and registry modifications, ensuring the malware's resilience against system reboots and user intervention. This persistence is crucial for maintaining long-term access to compromised systems. 4. **Command and Control (C2) Communication**: Latrodectus establishes secure communication with C2 servers over HTTPS. It dynamically updates, restarts, and terminates itself based on commands received from the C2, allowing flexible control over infected hosts. ### Campaign Analysis: TA577 and TA578 **TA577 Campaigns**: - **November 2023 Campaigns**: TA577 utilized Latrodectus in three notable campaigns. A significant deviation on 24 November involved using varied email subjects and URLs, leading to JavaScript files executing via curl to run a DLL. The transition to new methods indicates adaptive strategies to evade existing detection mechanisms. - **28 November 2023**: This campaign saw the use of thread-hijacked messages with URLs leading to zipped JavaScript or ISO files. This dual method increases the chances of successful execution, reflecting an intricate understanding of target behaviors and email security protocols. **TA578 Campaigns**: - **December 2023 to February 2024**: TA578's campaigns often began with contact form submissions, escalating to impersonating companies to send legal threats about copyright infringement. This tactic demonstrates a sophisticated social engineering approach designed to exploit trust and urgency. - **Use of DanaBot**: Initially distributing Latrodectus via DanaBot infection, TA578's versatility in utilizing multiple malware strains highlights their strategic flexibility and resourcefulness. ### Malware Initialization and Operation Upon execution, Latrodectus resolves Windows API functions dynamically, performs extensive checks to ensure it is not running in a sandbox, and validates the environment's suitability. It registers a mutex ("runnung") to prevent multiple instances on the same host, a simple yet effective method to avoid conflicts and redundant infections. ### Communication Protocol & Commands Latrodectus communicates with its C2 server using RC4 encryption and base64 encoding. The malware's ability to handle commands such as executing shellcode, DLLs, and executables, as well as collecting system information, illustrates its utility in a wide range of post-exploitation scenarios. Notably, the malware's communication includes detailed system parameters, enhancing the C2's capability to tailor responses and commands based on specific host characteristics. ### Infrastructure and Lifespan Team Cymru's analysis revealed a sophisticated infrastructure supporting Latrodectus. The malware's C2 servers exhibit a lifecycle marked by frequent turnover and dynamic setup rates. This infrastructure's evolution from late 2023 through early 2024 indicates a strategic testing and refinement phase, culminating in more frequent but shorter-lived C2s. The use of Cloudflare to conceal C2 domains reflects an advanced understanding of modern cybersecurity defenses and the need for stealth and resilience. ### Connection to IcedID Latrodectus shares several operational and infrastructural characteristics with IcedID, a notorious banking trojan. The reuse of specific infrastructure components and operational techniques suggests that the developers of IcedID may be behind Latrodectus. ![p20.png]( ***Latrodectus infrastructure connected to IcedID infrastructure.*** This connection underscores the iterative nature of malware development, where new threats evolve from existing ones, incorporating lessons learned and adapting to new defensive measures. ### Technical Analysis of Latrodectus Malware The Latrodectus malware represents a sophisticated evolution in the landscape of cyber threats, marked by its strategic deployment as a successor to the well-known IcedID malware. In this rigorous and meticulous analysis, we will dissect the technical facets of Latrodectus, emphasizing its infection chain, capabilities, persistence mechanisms, anti-analysis techniques, and its command-and-control (C2) infrastructure. #### 1. Infection Chain The infection chain of Latrodectus is characterized by its use of oversized JavaScript files delivered through phishing emails. These emails often contain URLs leading to the download of JavaScript files. Upon execution, these scripts leverage Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) to invoke `msiexec.exe`, facilitating the installation of a remotely-hosted MSI file from a WEBDAV share. This process mirrors techniques employed by sophisticated malware loaders, highlighting Latrodectus’s intent to blend into the background of typical network activity. #### 2. Capabilities and Payload Delivery Latrodectus is designed as a downloader with the primary objective of fetching and executing additional malicious payloads. This malware exhibits capabilities commonly expected from loaders, such as: - **Payload Deployment:** Able to deploy other malware like QakBot, DarkGate, and PikaBot. - **System Enumeration:** Conducts extensive enumeration of the infected system to gather information. - **Command Execution:** Executes arbitrary commands, DLLs, and executables as instructed by the C2 server. - **Self-Deletion:** Incorporates a self-delete mechanism to remove traces post-execution. #### 3. Persistence Mechanisms To maintain persistence on compromised systems, Latrodectus employs several techniques: - **Scheduled Tasks:** Sets up scheduled tasks to ensure it runs at system startup. - **AutoRun Key:** Modifies registry keys to establish automatic execution. - **File Relocation:** Ensures it runs from a designated location in `%AppData%`, restarting itself from this location if necessary. #### 4. Anti-Analysis and Obfuscation Latrodectus demonstrates advanced anti-analysis and obfuscation strategies to evade detection: - **Dynamic API Resolution:** Resolves Windows API functions by hash, complicating static analysis. - **Debugger and Sandbox Detection:** Checks for the presence of debuggers and the characteristics of sandbox environments (e.g., minimum number of running processes, valid MAC addresses). - **String Obfuscation:** Utilizes a simplified string decryption routine, evolving from a pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) to a rolling XOR key method. #### 5. Command-and-Control (C2) Communication Latrodectus maintains robust C2 communication protocols: - **HTTPS Communication:** Establishes contact with C2 servers over HTTPS, ensuring encrypted data transmission. - **Command Handling:** Receives commands for system information collection, self-updating, restarting, termination, and payload execution. - **Configuration Parsing:** Reads a hardcoded filename (`update_data.dat`) to decrypt and set C2 addresses, ensuring updated C2 communication points. #### 6. Infrastructure and Threat Actor Association The infrastructure supporting Latrodectus exhibits a high level of sophistication: - **Tiered C2 Architecture:** The malware uses a multi-tier C2 architecture with Tier 1 (T1) and Tier 2 (T2) servers to enhance resilience and operational security. - **Common Hosting Providers:** C2 servers are hosted on platforms known for cybercriminal activity, such as BLNWX, BV-EU-AS, and LITESERVER. - **Operator Patterns:** Analysis shows consistent patterns in the setup and operation of C2 servers, with notable activity spikes aligning with operational phases and testing periods. #### 7. Evolution from IcedID Latrodectus retains several characteristics reminiscent of IcedID, suggesting a shared lineage or development team: - **Bot ID Generation:** Utilizes host serial IDs to generate unique bot IDs, similar to IcedID. - **Campaign ID Hashing:** Implements campaign ID hashing using the FNV-1a algorithm, aiding in tracking and attributing threat actor campaigns. - **Command Set Similarity:** Shares a command set with IcedID, including commands for executing binaries, updating the bot, and collecting system information. #### 8. Threat Actor Activity The malware has been primarily distributed by Initial Access Brokers (IABs) such as TA577 and TA578: - **TA577:** Initially used by Latrodectus in November 2023, switching tactics and payloads in subsequent campaigns. - **TA578:** Adopted Latrodectus almost exclusively from January 2024, employing varied social engineering tactics, including contact form submissions and legal threat impersonations.

loading..   23-May-2024
loading..   1 min read


StopCrypt ransomware is back with a vengeance! This analysis dives into its mult...

The ever-evolving threat landscape of ransomware demands constant vigilance and in-depth analysis. StopCrypt ransomware, a particularly nasty strain, has garnered significant attention due to its recent resurgence and concerning capabilities. Our Threat Intel Lab at Secure Blink categorically captures the underlying nuances of this StopCrypt ransomware variant showcasing advanced evasion tactics and a sophisticated multi-stage execution process. #### Infection Cycle Upon execution, the ransomware begins by loading the msim32.dll library using the LoadLibrary function, although the significance of this action remains obscure. It then employs a protracted time-delaying loop, iterating over a large number of iterations to artificially prolong execution time. This strategy aims to thwart time-sensitive sandboxes and security mechanisms, complicating detection efforts. Additionally, the malware utilizes techniques such as LocalAlloc and VirtualProtect to manipulate memory permissions, potentially facilitating its malicious activities while evading detection. #### First Stage Payload During the initial stage of execution, the ransomware dynamically resolves essential APIs vital for its operation. Rather than employing straightforward API calls, it constructs API function calls directly on the stack. This method enhances obfuscation and complicates analysis by security tools. The malware meticulously resolves the addresses of critical APIs, including GlobalAlloc, VirtualAlloc, SetLastError, and others. This process ensures the ransomware's ability to allocate memory and execute its malicious routines without relying on fixed API calls that could be easily identified and intercepted. #### Second Stage Payload In the subsequent stage, the ransomware focuses on process hollowing—a technique used to inject malicious code into a legitimate process while maintaining its functionality. Similar to the first stage, API function names are dynamically created on the stack, enhancing obfuscation. The malware resolves the addresses of numerous APIs necessary for process hollowing, including MessageBoxA, WinExec, CreateProcessA, and many others. This comprehensive approach enables the ransomware to effectively manipulate processes and execute its payload while evading detection. #### Final Payload After successfully executing the second stage, the ransomware proceeds to its final payload. It launches a resumed process with specific parameters, creates a new directory to store its binary, and utilizes the icacls.exe utility to deny permissions, thwarting attempts to modify or delete the ransomware. Furthermore, the ransomware schedules tasks to execute its payload at regular intervals, ensuring persistence and continued malicious activity. ![Fig_18_(1).png]( ***StopCrypt Ransomware Note [Sonicwall](*** #### Update A subsequent analysis confirmed the presence of a new variant of StopCrypt ransomware, further underscoring the ongoing evolution and adaptation of these malicious threats.

loading..   30-Apr-2024
loading..   1 min read



PixPirate analysis reveals advanced Android banking trojan. Accessibility abuse,...

PixPirate is a highly sophisticated financial remote access trojan (RAT) malware that poses a grave threat to the security of banking systems, particularly in Brazil. Developed by skilled threat actors, PixPirate employs advanced anti-research techniques, making it exceptionally elusive and challenging to detect. ## Technical Analysis ### Infection Vector PixPirate employs a two-pronged approach for infection, comprising a downloader and a droppee. This unique strategy allows the malware to operate stealthily and execute fraudulent activities seamlessly. The downloader, often disguised as a legitimate authentication app, lures victims into installing the malware. Once initiated, the droppee is deployed to execute malicious operations, facilitated by the downloader. ![PixPirate-infection-flow-1536x353.png]( ***Attack Flow*** ### Evasion Techniques To evade detection, PixPirate leverages innovative hiding techniques. Unlike traditional malware, PixPirate does not have a main activity, rendering its icon absent from the victim's device. Instead, the downloader triggers the droppee to run through a custom service, circumventing traditional detection methods. ### Malicious Capabilities PixPirate boasts a wide array of malicious functionalities, including: - Manipulating and controlling applications - Keylogging - Collecting installed app lists - Installing and removing apps - Locking and unlocking device screens - Accessing phone accounts and contact lists - Tracking device location - Implementing anti-VM and anti-debugging measures - Maintaining persistence after reboot - Spreading through messaging apps like WhatsApp - Reading, editing, and deleting SMS messages - Disabling Google Play Protect ### Fraud Modus Operandi Primarily targeting Brazilian banks and leveraging the Pix payment platform, PixPirate executes fraudulent transactions seamlessly. By abusing the accessibility service, the malware intercepts banking credentials and initiates unauthorized Pix transactions. Additionally, PixPirate can manipulate transaction details, facilitating fund diversion to malicious actors' accounts. ### Code Analysis PixPirate's codebase exhibits sophistication, utilizing frameworks like Auto.js for automation and obfuscation techniques to hinder analysis. Modular scripts tailored for each targeted bank streamline the theft of credentials and execution of fraudulent transactions. Encryption routines further complicate code analysis, emphasizing the malware authors' commitment to evasion. ### Communication and C2 Infrastructure PixPirate communicates with its command and control (C2) server via HTTP, exchanging data in JSON format. The use of certificate pinning enhances communication security, thwarting interception attempts. A web-based management system facilitates remote control and monitoring of infected devices, providing threat actors with comprehensive oversight. Identifying C2 infrastructure is crucial for disrupting malware communication and preventing further attacks. Here's a deeper look at potential methods PixPirate might employ: #### **Domain Generation Algorithms (DGAs):** PixPirate could leverage algorithms to dynamically generate C2 domain names, making them difficult to blacklist. Analysis of the malware code (if a sample is available) might reveal the DGA logic, including the seed value and character permutation techniques used. #### **Fast Flux DNS:** C2 servers could be constantly changing their IP addresses through a pool managed by the attacker. This makes it challenging to pinpoint and block specific server locations. Network traffic monitoring for rapid DNS requests or suspicious domain resolutions could be indicative of this technique. #### **Steganography:** Data exfiltration or C2 communication might be hidden within seemingly innocuous files like images or audio. Advanced memory forensics or network traffic analysis tools with steganography detection capabilities would be necessary to uncover such techniques. #### **Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Networks:** The malware could utilize P2P communication protocols to establish C2 channels. This decentralization makes it harder to take down the C2 infrastructure as there's no single server point of failure. Monitoring for unusual network activity patterns associated with P2P protocols might be a red flag. #### **Communication Ports:** Non-standard ports like 8080 or 4445 are often used to evade detection by security measures that typically focus on monitoring common ports (e.g., port 80 for HTTP traffic). Analyzing network traffic logs for connections to these non-standard ports would be a crucial step in identifying C2 communication. #### **Traffic Patterns:** Short, intermittent bursts of network traffic are characteristic of beaconing or data exfiltration. Security solutions with traffic analysis capabilities can be configured to identify such patterns and trigger alerts. ### Payload Analysis HTTP POSTs are the exfiltration method due to their widespread use and ability to blend in with legitimate application traffic. Payload Obfuscation: Here are some techniques PixPirate might leverage to conceal exfiltrated data within HTTP POST requests: **Base64 Encoding:** A common method for transforming binary data (e.g., stolen credentials) into a printable format suitable for embedding within a URL or HTTP POST body. Decoding with Base64 would be required to reveal the original data. **Custom Encryption:** The malware might implement its own encryption algorithm to further obscure the data. Reverse engineering the malware code would be necessary to understand the custom encryption scheme and decrypt the payload. **Steganography Techniques:** Data can be hidden within seemingly harmless image or audio files using steganographic techniques. Forensic analysis tools with steganography detection capabilities would be crucial for uncovering such methods. **Packed or Compressed Data:** Techniques like ZIP or custom compression could be used to reduce the size of the exfiltrated data before transmission. Decompression or unpacking would be required to analyze the content. #### Identifying Specific Data Exfiltrated: Here's what to look for in the exfiltrated data: **Banking Credentials:** Usernames, passwords, and session tokens used for accessing financial applications. SMS Messages: Particularly those containing one-time passwords (OTPs) used for multi-factor authentication. **Device Information:** IMEI, phone number, and other identifiers that could be used for fingerprinting the victim's device. **Network Traffic Analysis Considerations:** **Examining the content-type header of HTTP POST requests:** It might reveal indicators of obfuscation, such as application/octet-stream for binary data or custom content types defined by the malware. **Correlating network traffic with application activity:** Monitoring spikes in network traffic coinciding with user interactions within banking apps could be a red flag. ### Disassembly Insights (Speculative - Sample Required) #### Obfuscation Mechanisms: **String Encryption:** Algorithms like XOR, RC4, or custom ciphers are likely to be employed to mask API calls and configuration data. **Junk Code Insertion:** Expect meaningless instructions or misleading control flow to complicate reverse engineering. **Dynamic Packing:** The malware might contain a self-unpacking routine to reveal core functionality only at execution time. #### Core Functionality **Keystroke Logging:** **Targeted APIs:** `AccessibilityService`, `InputMethodManager`, or potential overlays for keystroke interception. **Accessibility Abuse:** **Likely API Misuse:** `AccessibilityEvent` monitoring, `performAction()`, or `getText()` for UI manipulation and sensitive data extraction. **Financial Fraud Logic:** **Targeted Apps:** API calls specific to Brazilian banking applications expected. **Transaction Manipulation:** Potential modifications to EditText fields, simulated button presses within the victim's banking app. #### Evasion Techniques **Anti-Debugging:** **Debug Flag Checks:** May look for `android.os.Debug.isDebuggerConnected()`. **Emulator Detection:** Verification of device properties (IMEI, Build properties, etc.) suggestive of a sandbox environment. **Anti-Security Tools:** **Process Tampering:** Attempts to kill or disable security software processes by name or signature. Hook Evasion: Obfuscation of key API calls used by security tools to avoid analysis. **Runtime Obfuscation:** **Code Repackaging:** Dynamic loading of DEX files or native libraries to conceal functionality until executed. **Reflection:** API calls made indirectly to hinder static analysis. ### Key Capabilities - **Accessibility Service Abuse:** PixPirate leverages Android's Accessibility Service in a malicious manner to manipulate the user interface and steal sensitive data from banking applications. Here's a deeper look at the potential technical aspects of this abuse: - **Accessibility Service Permission Request:** The malware likely presents a rationale to the user requesting Accessibility Service permissions. This request could be disguised as a seemingly legitimate need for enhanced app functionality, tricking the user into granting extensive control over their device. - **AccessibilityEvent Monitoring:** Once Accessibility Service permissions are granted, PixPirate can monitor various AccessibilityEvents fired by the system and targeted banking applications. These events provide granular details about UI changes, element focus, and text input, allowing the malware to understand the current context and user interactions within the banking app. - **User Interaction Simulation:** By leveraging the Accessibility Service API, PixPirate can programmatically simulate user interactions. This could involve injecting clicks on specific buttons, modifying text fields (e.g., entering fraudulent payee information), or even swiping gestures used for navigation within the banking app. - **Content Extraction (Text & Data):** The AccessibilityService API grants access to the content of views and windows. PixPirate can exploit this functionality to steal sensitive data displayed on the screen, such as account balances, transaction details, or even one-time passwords (OTPs) used for multi-factor authentication. - **Potential Implementation Techniques:** **Android Framework APIs:** AccessibilityService APIs like AccessibilityNodeInfo.getText() or performAction() are likely used to interact with UI elements and extract data. **Custom View Groups/Overlays:** The malware might create custom views or overlays that lie on top of legitimate banking app screens. User interactions with the underlying banking app would be captured by the overlay, allowing PixPirate to steal input details. **Impact:** Accessibility Service abuse grants PixPirate extensive control over the user's device, enabling it to bypass user interaction requirements and manipulate banking applications for fraudulent purposes. - **Credential Theft:** PixPirate employs a multi-pronged approach to steal banking credentials, significantly increasing the likelihood of success. Here are some potential techniques the malware might leverage: **Keystroke Logging:** PixPirate can monitor keystrokes entered by the user on the device. This includes capturing login credentials, PINs, and any other sensitive information typed within the banking app or other financial platforms. **Phishing:** The malware might integrate phishing tactics within its functionality. Deceptive web pages or overlays resembling legitimate login screens could be displayed to the user, tricking them into surrendering their credentials unknowingly. **Accessibility Service Abuse:** As mentioned previously, Accessibility Service permissions can be exploited to read content displayed on the screen. This grants PixPirate access to any credentials or sensitive data entered by the user within the banking app interface. - **Fraudulent Transactions:** PixPirate's primary goal is to manipulate the Pix payment system, a popular Brazilian instant payment platform, within the victim's banking applications to initiate unauthorized fund transfers. Once it gains control through Accessibility Service abuse or stolen credentials, PixPirate can leverage its ability to simulate user interactions to automate the Pix transfer process. Here's a breakdown of the potential manipulative techniques: **Modifying Payee Information:** PixPirate can alter the payee details within the banking app interface. This could involve injecting malicious recipient names or bank accounts for fraudulent transactions. **Tampering with Transfer Amounts:** The malware can manipulate the transfer amount field to initiate unauthorized high-value transactions. **Bypassing Confirmation Screens:** Accessibility Service abuse allows PixPirate to automate confirmation screens typically presented during Pix transactions. The malware can bypass these safeguards with simulated clicks or actions, pushing through fraudulent transfers without the user's knowledge or consent. **SMS Interception:** This capability allows bypassing SMS-based two-factor authentication mechanisms. **Evasion and Concealment:** PixPirate uniquely disguises itself as a two-part malware ("downloader" and "droppee") and hides its launcher icon. This is likely supplemented with code obfuscation to hinder detection. ### Attack Chain - Victim is tricked into downloading the malware, potentially disguised as a legitimate application. - PixPirate's "downloader" component installs the core "droppee" payload. - The malware hides its icon to evade the user's notice. - May request Accessibility Service permissions under a false pretense or via social engineering. - Monitors banking app usage and steals credentials through Accessibility Service abuse (keystroke logging, UI content reading). - Intercepts incoming SMS messages to potentially obtain and bypass two-factor authentication codes. - C2 Communication May send stolen credentials and other sensitive data to attacker-controlled servers. - PixPirate programmatically manipulates the compromised banking app to initiate unauthorized fund transfers. ## End Note PixPirate represents a significant advancement in malware sophistication, posing a grave threat to the security of financial institutions, particularly in Latin America. Its multifaceted evasion techniques, coupled with automated fraud capabilities, underscore the urgency for robust cybersecurity measures. Security researchers must remain vigilant and collaborate to combat evolving threats like PixPirate effectively.

loading..   04-Apr-2024
loading..   1 min read